Since 2001, I have participated in community volunteer work, domestic and international build projects, including Mexico and Africa, and youth skate education, and committed to giving back to projects that make sustainable change. I often ask myself, “So what do I do now?”

Read below to learn more.

Share and Grow.

There is a right to be heard and a purpose to be filled.
What I provide for your success is my professionalism, education and passion in creative copywriting and/or consultation;

  • Products

  • Website

  • Philanthropic Projects

  • Email subscriptions

  • Grants

  • Social Media

As your copywriter, I bring the desired twist of character and individuality to make sure your mission is unforgettable, relatable, and positively impactful.

I write it out as a Word Weaver.

I have woken from dreams related directly to the happenings in my life and found a way to use the message as a tool in whatever needed to be fixed on the days to come. Details of this dream get jotted down in my journal and then the brainstorming begins. Words have always been my super power, they compel me to accomplish the unthinkable. Mostly, because the letters flow on to a page before the thoughts began in the first place. With my over-analytical attempt at ensuring information is received, personable, and relatable, I have found that creative copywriting is one of the most satisfying skills to build upon. To craft the very sentences, descriptions and/or heartfelt ideas is how I help others weave thoughts into words.


My movement makes monsters melt.



‘Shoot for the moon, for even if you miss you’ll land amongst the stars!’

In pursuit of a purpose, I have felt most fulfilled by actions and connection. To make acquaintance with many along the same path helps me form one main dream. That we may use our skills and humanity to provide a better life for regions in desperate need of uplifting, helping animals or completing projects left behind. The dream has always been ever changing with a common denominator. . . Positive action, but first dream it and believe it’s possible.


The traditional build for water tanks in bushland. This tank was fully funded by supporters from around the world and myself. I look forward to constructing a concrete base stable and weather proof. For now this tank is operated from a well water tank that is built a few hundred yards outside the school yard for the community.

The generator for well water for the Maasai living in Osotua Village.

The generator for well water for the Maasai living in Osotua Village.

The students have a joy for school that is so pure. Watching their smiles made this job fulfilling.

The students have a joy for school that is so pure. Watching their smiles made this job fulfilling.


“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”-Ghandi

Is it the purpose of living to get your hands physically on the very creation you’ve been hoping for? Storing ideas, and staying up Einstein hours only to see your dream come to life? This entails manifesting, actively working daily towards the creation/project/dream and having loads of patience. I don’t take this lightly. In fact, as the designer of my day to day tasks, it is this act of manifestation that will make shift happen.

The Maasai children and villagers have to travel 4-9km (2.49-5.59mi.) per day to collect river water or a clean water source. Running water is a great celebration for village, our Osotua students and our volunteers. I look forward to many more water…

The Maasai children and villagers have to travel 4-9km (2.49-5.59mi.) per day to collect river water or a clean water source. Running water is a great celebration for village, our Osotua students and our volunteers. I look forward to many more water wells, running water sources and village developments.


My work looks like this: when I find a project that is ambitious and impactful, especially if it involves friends or exceptional people like you, who are involved in community action that does good and feels good . . . then I’m in!


Summer of 2020, I’ve was working with a group of friends who got together to build a school bus for Justice with basketball hoop rims on the front and back. Printed around the bus, you’ll find names of people who have been killed by the injustice of systemic abuse. We painted a fist of strength on the roof top along with the words ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER’. This is not a passion project but a serious call to action for a change in our government on a national and even global scale.
We have taken part in protests, changing laws, educating the media from T.V. to phone screens. These powerful friends of mine have driven the bus across the United States to build and refurbish basketball courts, connect person to person regardless of race, religion, gender or anything that is framed to separate. This bus with these heroes spreads joy and reconnects community action for people across America.

This is what taking action through even the hardest times looks like. If you want to invest your time into projects like this, you’ve come to the right place. {*All safety and health precautions have been and continue to be enforced and taken into full sincerity. Checkout @thehoopbus for more information on free Covid Testing in your city!}

A very important mention behind the Venice Basketball League (VBL). In 2017 on my trip to Kenya I received over 200 hundreds pounds of donations that ranged from up cycled clothes, shoes, school new supplies, and hula hoops went with me to give to anyone and everyone I met in Africa. Thanks to team leader Nico and our VBL family for these donations of;

45 basketballs, a metal basketball rim donated from a pro-league court, basketball jerseys, ball pumps and shoes!

I look forward to heading back out there in 2021 to finally build a court at Osotua Nursey School for the whole Maasai Community and it’s surrounding village.
This is just the beginning of building courts for connection.

Stay open for an evolving destination,

especially when you thought

‘I have arrived.’
